Quotes From "The Noise Of Time" By Julian Barnes

Art is the whisper of history, heard above the noise...
Art is the whisper of history, heard above the noise of time. Julian Barnes
Art belongs to everybody and nobody. Art belongs to all time and no time. Art belongs to those who create it and those who savour it. Art no more belongs to the People and the Party than it once belonged to the aristocracy and the patron. Art is the whisper of history; heard above the noise of time. Art does not exist for art’s sake: it exists for people’s sake. But which people, and who defines them? He always thought of his own art as anti-aristocratic. Did he write, as his detractors maintained, for a bourgeois cosmopolitan elite? No. Did he write, as his detractors wanted him to, for the Donbass miner weary from his shift and in need of a soothing pick-me-up? No. He wrote music for everyone and no one. He wrote music for those who best appreciated the music he wrote, regardless of social origin. He wrote music for the ears that could hear. And he knew, therefore, that all true definitions of art are circular, and all untrue definitions of art ascribe to it a specific function. . Julian Barnes
Art is the whisper of history, heard above the noise of time. Art does not exist for art's sake: it exists for people's sake. Julian Barnes
Music escapes from words: that is its purpose, and its majesty. Julian Barnes
Music – good music, great music – had a hard, irreducible purity to it. It might be bitter and despairing and pessimistic, but it could never be cynical. If music is tragic, those with asses’ ears accuse it of being cynical. But when a composer is bitter, or in despair, or pessimistic, that still means he believes in something. Julian Barnes
It had been a slow and painful business, discovering that the theory of love did not match the reality of life. It was like expecting to be able to write a symphony because you had once read a handbook of composition. Julian Barnes
Perhaps this was one of the tragedies life plots for us: it is our destiny to become in old age what in youth we would have most despised. Julian Barnes
If you turned your back on irony, it curdled into sarcasm. And what good was it then? Sarcasm was irony which had lost its soul. Julian Barnes
Life always refused simplicity. Julian Barnes